Jen D'Agostino

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I Found My Happy Place: E. Dehillerin

I did it. I found my happy place. Unfortunately it’s on the other side of the ocean in Paris, France - so my visits will have to be limited.

E. Dehillerin opened their doors in 1820 and have specialized in cookware and kitchenware. This was Julia Child’s go-to cookware store when she lived in Paris in the 50’s.

“Eventually we arrived at E. Dehillerin. I was thunderstruck. Dehillerin was the kitchen-equipment store of all time, a restaurant-supply house stuffed with an infinite number of wonderous gadgets, tools, big shiny copper kettles, turbotieres, fish and chicken poachers, eccentrically shaped frying pans, tiny wooden spoons and enormous mixing paddles… I had become a knife freak, a frying-pan freak, a gadget freak - and, especially, a copper freak!” - Julia Child

The shop is located on a quaint corner of the streets of Paris. It’s two floors - with collection in the basement are a maze of narrow aisles filled with enough cookware to fill every foodie’s kitchen. Their copper pots and pan display is awe inspiring. Floor to ceiling, every pot or pan you can think of is there.

When you get past the copper pots display, you’re greeted by shelves of cast iron pans, slip mats, baking sheets, knives, pepper mills, and more.

Unfortunately, due to weight restrictions on my luggage, I left empty handed. But I will be back, and next time I’m bringing a second suitcase just for E. Dehilliren.

See this map in the original post