Jen D'Agostino

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Egg White Spinach & Tomato Frittata Recipe

I’ve been in search of a quick breakfast item that’s healthy, not processed, and is allergen friendly. I’m allergic to milk and egg yolks, so this was no easy task. I’ve always heard a protein-forward breakfast is the way to go, and usually, that means scrambled eggs and bacon, but given my allergy and my quest for eating non-processed foods, it wasn’t going to work.

To get around this, I thought I’d just go all-in and make an egg white-only frittata. I’ve never made one before, and I always thought they were Spanish. When I was researching I found out they actually originate in Italy. Frittata means “fried” in Italian, but I went with the baking route. It’s easier, you can just put it in the oven and relax or check some items off your to-do list.

Easy Egg White Spinach & Tomato Frittata


2 1/2 cups egg white 

1/4 cup almond milk

1 1/2 cup chopped spinach 

1/4 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half 

1/2 tsp paprika 

Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven 375 F, in a large bowl mix egg white, almond milk, paprika, salt and pepper and chopped spinach

  2. Grease a 9-inch round baking tin. Add egg white mixture into the tin.

  3. Place the tomato halves seeds up.

  4. Bake for 30 minutes or until set.

  5. Let cool for 10 minutes and serve. Can be refrigerated for 5 days.